After three long years of university, I finally graduated on the 10th July with a 2nd class upper divison in Fashion Promotion. I had been looking forward to that day since first year and I can't believe it went in the blink of an eye.
I trundled along to Chatham for what I hoped would be the last time and met up with my parents. I found it so strange being back there after just a month of being in London, what had been my home for three years just seemed like an unfamiliar town.
Many people I know had trouble deciding what to wear for graduation itself whereas I had decided months ago, a vintage 50s yellow lace pencil dress I've had in my wardrobe for I can't remember how long, I've always longed to wear it but after trying my luck at jiving in it several years ago and ripping it I decided to keep it hidden away until I was able to wear it at a 'sensible' event.
I styled my hair all nice for it to get messed up wearing my mortar board but I didn't mind too much because I was quite proud that I got to wear a mortar board and gown.
When I got there everything seemed to go so quickly, after waiting for what seemed like hours for the ceremony to start it was over and done with before I knew it and there I was with a degree, three years for an hour ceremony, what a waste some people might think, but not for me, it was the first time I'd ever felt truly proud of myself and I don't think it's something I'll forget.
When I got there everything seemed to go so quickly, after waiting for what seemed like hours for the ceremony to start it was over and done with before I knew it and there I was with a degree, three years for an hour ceremony, what a waste some people might think, but not for me, it was the first time I'd ever felt truly proud of myself and I don't think it's something I'll forget.

My folks and me
My girl Vanessa looking rather ravishing in her little polka dot number
My girls!
And me after the ceremony looking a bit windswept.
But what now?? I'm currently living in London working part time in a pub trying to figure out what to do with my life. At the moment I feel I've completely let go of everything I was passionate about, including my blog. I'm not really sure why this has happened because I have plenty of opportunity to be doing what I love at the moment but everything seems to have slipped on by. I've had some good news, the New Vintage Look fashion show I co-organised in April with my friend Sarah, looks to be repeated next year at a great rockabilly weekend I shall keep nameless for now, but it's something to look forward to never the less.
I feel as though I've got two pathways I could go down and it's frustrating to not have an idea of where I want to end up. My first pathway is to try more events managing, I figured that if I got asked to organise another show then surely I must be doing something right, so why not give that a go?
But then there's my second pathway, to go into wardrobe styling for teleivison dramas and movies, when I left my internship at Surgery PR, I had my heart set on this, but over the past few months I've found it is literally impossible to get into unless I have some kind of costume background, which for me is disheartening because I don't want to design, I want to source, dig out and put together outfits for television characters, because someone has to do it right?
But then there's my second pathway, to go into wardrobe styling for teleivison dramas and movies, when I left my internship at Surgery PR, I had my heart set on this, but over the past few months I've found it is literally impossible to get into unless I have some kind of costume background, which for me is disheartening because I don't want to design, I want to source, dig out and put together outfits for television characters, because someone has to do it right?
So for me this is confusing to say the least, but I've come to a conclusion that it's not going to happen over night, I'm going to keep pushing and see how far I get, or if I have any brainwaves and eventually I'll get to where I'm meant to be, where ever that is. Whenever I think about it like that, it makes me excited and not so scared about whats next in line for me.
I know one thing though
I love having purple hair!
I know one thing though
I love having purple hair!
Until Next Time
Toodle Pip