Wow, I cannot believe how behind I have got on my blog, slap on the wrist for me! University has now completely took over my life and it will for the next six months... sad times ahead!
On a more positive note, last month I went to Anita's Vintage Fashion Fair where I got invited to blog about the event(I failed at that clearly ha!) because they were celebrating the four capitals of style with the fact that the fashion weeks were going on at the time, as part of my blogging I had to pick a city of my choice, and being patriotic I chose good ole London town.
Here are a few of the things I found which I thought were suited to London :
Farmer tweed caps, lovely stuff
I adore old suitcases, imagine some of the stories they could tell...
Handbags like this are my favourite, so pretty and you can fit EVERYTHING in them, what's not to like?
I loved the way the store holders put so much detail into their displays, this reminded me of Miss Marple with the fox fur and the hat!
Winters coming! I did consider buying it but my eyes wandered elsewhere... It reminded me of the 1940s land girls and is also so on trend with some of the printed jumpers on the high street currently.
This was from an alteration stall that was just outside the fair, make do and mend is as strong as ever!
Anita picked this out for me, 1930's nightwear and also very Alexa Chung, don't you think?
I saw these illustrations and fell in love, their from the late 19th century/ early 20th century
and I thought they were so quaint! I do love a good illustration.
Rule Britannia!! I Wish British companies would make tins for their products like this today,
their so sweet and really collectibles!

Fellow blogger Jen of JJ noir, also a UCA student, great to meet her and we loved sourcing goodies!
These are some flyer's of one of the stalls, Rhapsody Rags, I had to snap them because of the London Mod imagery they had on their cards!
I made a friend don't you know! I wanted this mannequin so much with old newspaper cuttings plastered all over it, and the 90s Moschino jeans!
The fair itself, lots of busy shoppers having a rummage!
I shouldn't have tried this dress on because I fell in love, a reproduction 50s dress.
It fitted like a dream but was a little out of my price league, maybe next time!
The royal jewels, you've got to love a bit of bling.
The lovely DJ spinning the wax with music from the fifties and sixties, I was in my element!
Women even got to have their hair styled, I got asked if I'd had my hair done by them, I wish!!
London Style
These are just a few shoppers I snapped because I loved their style, what London is known for!
Loved this ladies outfit and the mismatch of prints, it worked so well!
This lady was trying this original Victorian dress on, you have to have a lot of confidence
to wear something like this, and she looked great!
anddddd finally these are my two little goodies that I picked up, I apologise for the rubbish quality image but I purchased a vintage 50s beaded sweater and repro cats eye glasses, both for just over £30! Can't complain with that one even if I do say so!
I adored working at the vintage fair and would love to have the chance to do it again, all being well I'd be a bit more on time with everything by then! If you love a good bargain check Anita's fairs out, you never know what you might find, the garments, jewellery and handbags range from over 80 years, you can't get more vintage than that can you?!
Until Next Time
Until Next Time
Toodle Pip
That 1930s slip is so, so pretty. Love it!